Sunday, December 6, 2009

Consistency--Part 2

Well, I guess that my last entry was appropriate. I've been striving for consistency. I guess writing here isn't as important to me as other things. I've started concentrating on my training. I've trained every day except one since my last post. I guess it's a start.

I rode my bike today for the first time since I got fit. The new position is awesome! My body needs to get used to the different posture, but comfort will come in time.

Yesterday, I did 8.5 miles for my weekly long run. I'm getting a twinge of plantar facitis. IT kind of sucks, because there's really not much you can do for it. Ice, stretch...the usual. The good thing is that it's an injury that I can train through. I ma go get a massage this week before I go to Israel next week. That might be nice.

Till next time....whenever that may be.


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