Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Once again, I’ve taken my time to write. I’m really not feeling up to it lately. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Part of me thinks that the reason that I haven’t been writing is because there’s nothing to write about. The other thinks that don’t write because I don’t want to do anything. Whatever. I’m here now, at my keyboard. Hammering out this little portion of my thoughts for the day.

Do you ever wonder if you’re feeling OK because you truly are feeling OK or is it because of the medication? I thought that recently and decided to take a break from my meds for a few days. I don’t recommend this course to anyone. I felt terrible! I didn’t do it long enough to have withdrawal symptoms, but emotionally I felt drained after two days. I felt like I was fighting myself with everything I did, every thought I had. I found myself dwelling on the uncontrollable things that make me sad or angry instead of focusing on the moment and just “being present.”

I think part of my problem is that I’ve had to take a break from Yoga because of my broken wrist. It’s feeling much better. I’m going back to my Yoga practice in July, so that is something for me to look forward to.

I hope you are content.


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