Thursday, May 8, 2008


What a day. I started early at work today. We made the trek to NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center which is located in the Mojave Desert north of LA. I went up there with one of our engineers to fit check our parachutes in the Pad Abort flight test vehicle for the Orion program. I’ll get a picture on here once I remember to bring my camera home from work.

We spent 6 hours driving today! I was really sore from being cooped up in a car for so long.

Once we got home, I raced over to CPY to catch the last class of the evening. I had a new instructor, Troy, tonight. It’s always great to see new perspectives on the practice of yoga, but I don’t know if I liked Troy’s class. He was very basic, didn’t use the sandskrit names for the postures, and didn’t do the normal CP vinyasa flow. I found myself moving into the sequence that I have memorized and got off of Troy’s sequence a bit. I still had a very good night. I was able to stand in tree with my eyes closed for about 15 seconds without feeling off balance. I also was able to get my leg over my head in Dancer’s. I’m making progress and increasing my flexibility. I’m loving it!!!

I hope you are happy!


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