Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Second Presidential Debate

I've always looked at politics with a general amusement.  When I was younger, I had aspirations of going into politics.  The rose colored glasses came off early in my Marine Corps career when I saw politics at work in our military.  My opinion of politics and politicians changed even more once I started genuinely following the positions of our leaders.  Devout republicanism gave way to a more moderate viewpoint...G.W. Bush wasn't so great and Clinton wasn't so bad.

I sit tonight watching the second presidential debate and wonder if either candidate is fit to be the leader of the free world.  Both President Obama and Governor Romney are skirting issues, avoiding direct answers and slinging mud at each other.  They are both acting like the spoiled little kid that isn't getting his way.  There is no respect, no integrity.  While Regan wasn't perfect, where is the great orator now?  Where is the candidate that can tell you the country is going to make it and have you believe him?

I fear that those days are long gone. The smart, charismatic individuals of past political success wouldn't even go near Washington these days.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Slowly but surely

I'm going to look at a new bike tomorrow.  It's a 4 year old model, but it is still new in the box.  I'm excited to get a new bike and get back to training.  Hopefully my knee will allow me to ride.  I'm planning on sticking to the trainer for now so that if my knee starts to hurt, I can stop at any time instead of being stranded in the middle of nowhere.

I've been swimming every other day.  Easy swims, but at least I'm doing something!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Sucks!

After deciding that my body was falling apart and that I couldn't even possibly continue training for triathlons, my mind has taken over and decided that I need to keep at the triathlon thing.  Unfortunately, I've sold or donated all of my cycling stuff, so I need to start over from scratch.

I ran for the first time in a year yesterday.  I hurt a bit today.  It's a good hurt though; the soreness that you get from doing something worth while.

I'm going to take it easy and try to prevent any injury from overuse.  I will be running and swimming for now until I can buy a bike.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Fundraising Page

I know I haven't been here in a while, but here is my fundraising page for Team in Training. Check it out or check back here for updates on progress.

My Fundraising Page



Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Comeback

I find it amazing how slowly the body recovers the older you get.  After a very minor surgery, I've had to take three weeks off from training.  Add to that the two weeks of 14-18 hour days in Yuma getting ready for testing and I haven't really trained in over a month!  This week I worked out every other day trying to ease back in to a training routine.  I'm feeling good, but I definitely have lost some fitness.  I'm hoping it will come back quickly because I have a race on June 18th.  It's only an Olympic distance race, but still, I would like it to be a positive experience not hell on earth.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Redeye Flights

Redeyes suck!  I forgot how miserable you feel from the time change and lack of sleep.  I don't know why I let my company do this to me.  I'm on my way to Savannah, GA to go install a parachute system on a new Gulfstream business jet...the G650.  It is a mach .92 business jet that is the size of a DC-9!  I'm excited to see the jet, but kind of upset that I found out a few hours before I had to leave that I was even going.  Cooper really needs to get her head out of her ass.